@Article{ ROMO_Marcos-Marcos_GIL_Tarragona_Marquina-Márquez:263-272,

author = { NURIA ROMO AVILES and Jorge Marcos-Marcos and Mª EUGENIA GIL GARCÍA and Alicia Tarragona -camacho and Alfonso Marquina-Márquez } ,

title = { "I like to be different from how I normally am: heavy alcohol consumption among female Spanish adolescents and the disruption of gender norms" },

journal = { Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy },

year = { 2016 },

volume = { 23 },

pages = { 263-272 },

doi = { http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09687637.2016.1259390 },
