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L. Amador Hidalgo, P. Brañas Garza, A.M. Espín Martín, T.M. García Muñoz
A. Hernandez Roman,
"Consistent and inconsistent choices under uncertainty: The role of cognitive abilities", 2019
P. Brañas Garza, S. Chowdhury, A.M. Espín Martín
J. Nieboer,
"Born this Way? Prenatal Exposure to Testosterone May Determine Behavior in Competition and Conflict", 2019
A.M. Espín Martín
"Midiendo la Paciencia", 2019
M.C. Castilla Vázquez
J. Savage-Hanford,
"Women in Catholicism or the eternal absence ", 2016
A.M. Espín Martín, M. Correa Gómez
A. Ruiz Villaverde,
"Working paper: "Patience Predicts Within-Group Cooperation in an Ingroup Bias-Free Way"", 2015
A. Ruiz Villaverde, A.M. Espín Martín
M. Correa Gómez,
"Patience, academic performance and social behavior: a cooperative learning approach", 2014
A. Marquina Márquez
" Perspectivas de licenciados de Antropología de la Universidad de Granada", 2011
A. Sáez Carretero
"Estrategias de Comunicación para lograr una movilidad urbana sostenible en la ciudad de Segovia", 2010
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024