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J.F. Gamella Mora "Nominal assimilation. The Ethnic and National Identity of the Gitanos of Spain as shown by their Surnames in the 1783-85 Census", "Names"
, vol.62, 147-164, 2014
A. Alvarez Roldan "Reseña del libro: Pat Bazeley, Kristi Jackson (2013): Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo (segunda edición). Londres, Sage", "Empiria"
, vol.29, 269-271, 2014
F. Jiménez Bautista
C.O. Nvé-Oyana,
"Empresas, diásporas y petróleo: Hacia una transformación de la economía política en Guinea Ecuatorial", "Dimensión Empresarial"
, vol.12, 59-72, 2014
P. Brañas Garza, A.M. Espín Martín, F. Exadaktylos
B. Herrmann,
"Fair and unfair punishers coexist in the Ultimatum Game", "Scientific Reports"
, vol.4, -, 2014
J.F. Gamella Mora, E. Martín-Carrasco-Muñoz
A. Quesada Garrido,
"New Methodological Approaches in the Anthropological Demography of Romani Groups. An Example from the Study of the Evolution of the Infant and Child Mortality of the Gitanos or Calé of Spain (1871-2007)"
, vol.3, 175-204, 2014
P. Brañas Garza, A.M. Espín Martín
S. Neuman,
"Religious pro-sociality? Experimental evidence from a sample of 766 Spaniards", "PLoS One"
, vol.9, e104685-, 2014
M.C. Castilla Vázquez "Studies on Religion in Spanish Anthropology", "Jahrbuch für Europäische Ethnologie"
, vol.9, 250-264, 2014
J.F. Gamella Mora, A. Gómez-Alfaro
J. Pérez-Pérez,
"Normal Assimilation. The Ethnic and National Identity of the Gitanos of Spain as Shown by their Surnames in the 1783-85 Census"
, vol.62, 147-164, 2014
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024